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  • Просмотров: 3008
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 19-01-2014, 00:18
19-01-2014, 00:18

Use of biological substances as dendrimers, fullerenes and lubricants

Category: Patents

05 Januar 2006
Die Erfindung betrifft den Bereich Dendrimerchemie, Chemie der Fullerene und Schmierstoffe, Molekularbiologie und Virologie, und kann die Methodik der Dendrimerchemie, Chemie der Fullerene und Schmierstoffe, die Herstellung und Anwendung von Dendrimere Fullerene und Schmierstoffe vereinfachen

Use of biological substances as dendrimers, fullerenes and lubricants
Информация к новости
  • Просмотров: 4636
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 19-01-2014, 00:16
19-01-2014, 00:16

WZ Westgerman Newspaper

Category: News

19 February 2000
For Young Genius Is The School A Trifle
The 18 years old Alexander Cherkasky researches intensively in the field of molecular biology.
He has claimed already 8 patents.

From Kristina Tewes

When other young people meet friends after school and go evenings to cinema or disco, Alexander Cherkasky sits with vast number of books, newspaper cuttings and scientific journals on his desk and ponder about scientific problems.

The 18 years old is a genius: at the time he possesses 8 patent applications in the field of biology and medicine. “I have yet much more ideas “ says the schoolboy.