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  • Просмотров: 7769
  • Автор: admin
  • Дата: 10-01-2014, 23:41
10-01-2014, 23:41

Feasibility of Alexander Cherkasky’s Inventions

Category: Blogs

Feasibility of Alexander Cherkasky’s Inventions of Novel Antiautoimmune and Anticancer Fusion Proteins and Technologies for Fast, Simple and Inexpensive DNA and Complete Genome Sequencing

- I, Alexander Cherkasky, am award-winning and media-highlighted
biologist (finished the Heinrich-Heine-University of Dusseldorf) and
inventor of new causal therapies, cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s
disease, autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes,
new technologies for rapid, low-cost DNA sequencing (for personalized
medicine, and preferable sequencing of genomes of marine organisms and
useful plants), as well as I have inventions of new materials,
diagnostic, test and control systems and lubricants.

- I am owner of 8 German patents, I got them without a patent lawyer
and have 4 US patent applications, 4 international patent applications
and over 30 German patent applications.

- In 1999 and 2000, as student at Goethe-Gymnasium in Dusseldorf, I
partaked in scientific competition Jugend forscht “Youth researches”
with theoretical problem solutions, i.e. inventions of cures for
Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune diseases and cancer.

- Adjudicators of the “Youth researches” stated in 1999 and 2000 that
I do not have results of clinical studies (it was a cynical
requirement from a school student) and that I am still student at
school, I shall do Abitur (finish school) and then make Vordiplom and
Diplom (finish University). My status was considered also as reason
for a denial of joint commercialization through joint company
foundation or licensing.

- The inventions I presented on “Youth researches” in 1999 and 2000
evoked interest of media and about me and inventions of mine reported
known media including Stern (The Star), Bild der Wissenschaft (Picture
of Science), Rheinische Post (Rhein Post), Westdeutsche Zeitung
(Westgerman Newspaper), Neue Rhein Zeitung (New Rhein Newspapre) and
other media.

- In 2003 I partaked on the international competition of inventors
IENA (Ideas-Inventions-New Products) in Nuremberg and won bronze medal
and got the honorary certificate for my invention of novel anticancer
fusion proteins. IENA is the largest international inventors
competition in Germany already over 60 years.

- You will find my economic proposals, including establishing the
Inventions Implementation System for dynamic problem solutions on my
blog: http://cherkaskysneweconomicmodel.blogspot.com/. This system
shall proof and create solutions for problems of people and work
independently from status of inventors and in addition to firms and
academic and research organizations.
These proposals concern all people, especially because everybody could
need inventive, innovative biomedical help in order to heal, to treat
a disease causally.

- By doing searches (novelty searches for new inventions) I found,
that several various inventions of mine were successfully
experimentally implemented and confirmed, i.e. the feasibility and
perspectives of my inventions, (i.e. inventions for which I have
clearly documented priority) especially of cures for autoimmune
diseases and cancer and inventions for fast, simple and inexpensive
DNA sequencing, were clearly demonstrated by other scientists.

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