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29-09-2014, 23:33

Cherkasky Story

Category: Blogs

I, Alexander Cherkasky, born in 1981 in Zaporoshje, Ukraine, living since 1996 in Germany, am award-winning and media-highlighted biologist and inventor of new anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-viral (to combat viruses both inside and outside of the cells) and anti-autoimmune cures, life-extending fusion proteins, cell therapies for regenerations, especially for neural regeneration, high-quality synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials, high-quality lubricants, innovative metallurgy products, light and solid composite materials, especially new construction materials, as well as I have inventions of new multiparallel diagnostic and fast genome sequencing systems. Please see the blogs
for more information.
I have described what has already been cited and has already been implemented in the world on my blog
My anti-viral and anti-cancer invention published in my international patent application WO2006/136892 was used as basis and cited/referenced both in the European patent application EP2447277 and in the international patent application WO2012055985 (covering new vaccines for HIV/AIDS) of the Spanish company Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve and Spanish research institute Fundacio Privada Institut de Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa. This confirms recognition and quality of my invenitve work.
But, the recognition of my inventive work comprises, in addition to citations by Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve and Fundacio Privada Institut de Reserca de la SIDA-Caixa, also citation of my German patent DE19937512 for fast genome sequencing in the US patent US7163658 of the American inventor Rouvain Bension, citation of my German patent publication DE19953696 for cures for Alzheimer’s disease in two American patents US7557182 and US7902156 of Angiochem, citation of my German patent publication DE19822406 for antiprion molecules in the US patent US8034766 of E I du Pont de Nemours and Company and of University College London, citation of my German patent DE19925052 (for gene therapy, to combat viruses and for extension of cell lifes) in two US patents US7999073 of Lonza and US7320859 of Amaxa (a small German firm sold to Lonza) as well as citation of my US patent application US20080242565 for new lubricants based on chemically modified biomasses in the US patent US8273694 of Californians Jeffrey A. Brown, Joseph A. Duimstra and Jason P. Wells.
For my novel anticancer fusion proteins, I was awarded the Bronze Medal „For Outstanding Achievements“ and the Honorary Certificate of the international inventors competition IENA (Ideen-Erfindungen-Neuheiten, Ideas- Inventions-New Products) 2003 in Nuremberg. IENA is the largest international inventors competition in Germany already over 60 years.
About me and inventions of mine reported media including Stern (The Star), bild der wissenschaft (Picture of Science), Juedische Zeitung (Jewish Newspaper), Evrejskaja Gazeta (Jewish Newspaper), Juedische Allgemeine Zeitung (Jewish General Newspaper), Westgerman Newspaper, New Rhein Newspaper and Rhein Post.
Press reported about me since 1999, because in the years 1999 and 2000, as I was student at Goethe-Gymnasium in Dusseldorf, I participated on the youth scientific competition "Youth researches" (Jugend forscht) and presented my inventions of novel fusion protein cures for Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune diseases and cancer. The fusion proteins according to my inventions are able to cleave and neutralize pathogenic (disease-causing or disease-associated) proteins and find and destroy target cancer cells.
I have 9 German patents (including my patents DE19925052, DE10161899 and DE10161738 for anticancer fusion proteins and my patents DE19929530, DE19937512 and DE102008037890 for methods and devices for fast genome sequencing), over 30 German patent applications and 5 US patent applications as well as 5 international patent applications.
The following is the list of my US patent applications:
US20120199792 Novel Cherkasky's synthetic diamonds and diamond-like materials and methods and devices for production thereof
US20090070900 Novel cherkasky materials and novel use of biomolecules and biomasses
US20080242565 Novel Cherkasky Lubricants Based On Modified Biomolecules and Biomasses, Methods For Their Production And Use of Modified Biomolecules And Biomasses As Lubricants or Additives
US20080200652 Novel Cherkasky fusion proteins containing antibody binding proteins or the regions thereof
US20070106066 Cherkasky fusion proteins containing antibody-, antigen- and microtubule-binding regions and immune response-triggering regions
I have proposed the first in the world organization Institute for Implementation of Inventions, especially Biomedical Inventions as Solutions For Problems of People, for continuous implementations of inventions, especially of biomedical inventions as problem solutions in order to create new hope for patients and for all people. Biomedical inventions will be implemented independently from status of inventors.
I finished the Heinrich-Heine-University of Dusseldorf (where I got Master of Science degree) and than I wanted to make PhD in Theoretical Biology.
I was admitted to the University of Cologne and made PhD project by Ute Deichmann, who worked in history of biology, but this admission was thought by Deichmann and University of Cologne as a trap.
I made creatively the tasks of Deichmann, she appreciated and praised my work and I wrote a chapter of my PhD dissertation, as she told, but than she stated, that any my PhD dissertation will be rejected independently from the content. Deichmann terminated supervisorship without any reason and without any explanation. The case was not investigated by the University of Cologne.
I wrote an other PhD work, because I had such possibility to make PhD without a supervisor.
I wrote a modern historic and theoretical PhD dissertation about feasibility of my own selected therapeutic inventions of anticancer and anti-autoimmune fusion proteins, modified oncolytic viruses and novel genome sequencing systems and their interconnections, especially for the development of personalized cures.
This my PhD work is unique and can help people. I got approval from the Academic Director Dr. Mathias Cramer who told me, that I can do that my proposed PhD thesis.
But, as Deichmann promised, my PhD dissertation was rejected, whereby the University of Cologne (rector Prof. Axel Freimuth, as well as Prof. Schneider, Prof. Langer, Prof. Korsching (both Langer and Korsching did not evaluated the content of my PhD dissertation and they distorted the content of my PhD dissertation in their reports; the insufficient note was based on the slander of Langer and Korsching (for example Langer stated, that alleged I stated, that cancer should not be combated, whereby my PhD thesis comprises personalized anticancer cures)), and other professors of the Institute of Genetics) stated, that inventions as solutions of scientific problems are not scientific, (for example, the invention of PCR of the Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis should be also non- scientific (!)), as well as they stated, that inventors may not use the results of third parties, (confirming that the inventions of these inventors are feasible), for PhD dissertations of these inventors, and, that priorities do not play any role in the science and that plagiarism is a norm.
This absurd was supported by the administrative courts of Cologne, (Verwaltungsgericht Köln, the decisions 6 K 1449/12 from August 23, 2012 of Becker, Hanke-Sülwold, Schumacher, Schmitt and Wagner and 6 K 5551/12 from September 24, 2012 of Becker, Schumacher and Böllinger), North-Rhein Westfalia (OVG NRW, the decisions 14 E 699/12 from July 12, 2012 and 14 E 787/12 from August 8, 2012 of Dr. Schneider, Maschmeier and Dr. Ost) and Germany (Bundesverwaltungsgericht, the decisions BVerwG 6 B 38.12 from September 25, 2012 and BVerwG 6 B 44.12 from October 8, 2012 of Neumann, Büge and Prof. Dr. Hecker).
Thereby the facts, evidence and my arguments were ignored.
Ute Deichmann, who has research and teaching positions at the University of Cologne, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev/Israel and at Leo-Baeck-Institute in London, and who researches the „disproportionated participation“ of Jews in science in Germany, glorified National Socialists and National Socialism and presented them as harmless, distorted facts, and stated in her book „Biologen unter Hitler“ (ISBN 3-596-12597-9) (Biologists under Hitler) as enlarged PhD dissertation Deichmann's (page 20 of the version in German language and all pages listed below are pages on the original version in German) especially
that National Socialism lasted „too shortly“ (p. 223) and „not long enough“ (p. 369), i.e. Deichmann stated that not enough people were murdered by Nazis,
that the expelling the Jews from science influenced the biological research „only insignificantly“ (p. 354), i.e. that this expelling of Jews did not damaged the research,
that non-Jewish biologists under Nazis, also in all occupied territories, worked and were able to work in „relative security“ (p. 365),
that the territory of the Ex-Soviet Union as well as of France, Belgium and Holland (The Netherlands) could be considered as „colonies“ of Germany (p. 116, for example because the words „colonial“ and „colonial scientific“ were not taken into quotation marks),
that Himmler influenced the biological research positively, because he supported education of „appropriate forces for the East“, especially for Russia (for the whole Ex-Soviet Union) as the „territory for coloniaization by National Socialists“ and as „the largest colony“ of Germany (p. 116),
that anti-Semitism is substantiated genetically and
that the developed by Nazis „weed for suffocation/smothering of useful plants“ (p. 243) and potato beetles (p. 243) in combination with destruction of the unique assortment of cereals, the collection of Vavilov (p. 230) were scientifically useful, because according to Deichmann Nazis did not work on not useful projects and according to Deichmann Nazis did not financed futil, not useful ideologic projects in science (p. 28).
For these statements, for this pseudoscientific work, the University of Cologne granted the PhD degree to Ute Deichmann in 1991 and Deichmann's PhD work at the Institute of Genetics of the University of Cologne was financed from October 1988 to September 1992 by the German Research Community (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) as part of the DFG-research project „The Development of Biology in National Socialism“ with number Mu 575/1-4 (whereby in National Socialism development was not possible).
The ideology of Deichmann served as the basis for systematic unsubstantiated and without any foundation denials to me to get PhD degree at the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln).
The University of Cologne refused to my according letter from June 10, 2013 to the rector Prof. Dr. Axel Freimuth to deprivate the PhD degree of Ute Deichmann, because her PhD thesis is pseudoscientific, xenophobic and anti-Semitic, i.e. the University of Cologne denied to deprivate the PhD degree of Ute Deichmann and in his response from October 21, 2013 stated the director of the office of the rector and director of the staff of rector Dr. Tim Kohl, that the University of Cologne does not see „enough suspicion for false scientific behavior“ of Deichmann.
This pseudoscientific, xenophobic and anti-Semitic decision of the University of Cologne and pseudoscientific, xenophobic and anti-Semitic statements of Ute Deichmann were supported, apporoved and appreciated by the courts of Cologne (Verwaltungsgericht Köln (Administiative Court of Cologne), decisions in the cases with file number 6 K 6554/13, 6 K 617/14, 6 K 212/14 and 6 K 623/14 of Becker, Schumacher and Böllinger, Amtsgericht Köln (Court of Cologne), decisions the cases 128 C 270/13 of Daniels, 140 C 263/13 and 130 AR 104/13 of Baumanns, Rohde and Becker and Landgericht Köln (Court of Cologne), decisions in the cases 9 T 135/13 (130 AR 104/13 Amtsgericht Köln) of Dr. Dumke, Dr. Hoppe, Dr. Deuster, Dr. Heine, Kreth and Dr. Otten, 11 T 99/13 of Schmitz, Mörsch, Bieber, Wittig and Dr. Otten and 1 T 79/14, 1 T 95/14 (140 C 263/13 Amtsgericht Köln) of Dr. Gampp), by the Administrative Court of North-Rhein Westfalia (OVG NRW, decisions 19 E 166/14 (19 E 166/14, 6 K 6554/13 Köln) from March 04.2014 of Kampmann, Gelberg and Schulte-Trux and 15 E 167/14 (15 E 167/14, 6 K 212/14 Köln) from March 07, 2014 of Dr. Kallerhoff, Dr. Rohde and Dr. Gatawis, 19 E 257/14 (6 K 6554/13 Köln) from March 18, 2014 of Kampmann, Gelberg und Schulte-Trux and 15 E 287/14 (6 K 212/14 Köln) from March 19, 2014 of Dr. Kallerhoff, Dr. Rohde and Dr. Gatawis), by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhein Westfalia (Minister Svenja Schulze and her assistent Patric Braun, Braun's letters in the cases 223-1.25.05/091-011 and 223-, by the Ministry of Justice of North Rhein Westfalia (Minister Kutschaty and his assitent Wolsztynski, the case numbers are 3132 E-Z.155/12-z and 4121 E-III.355/12 (I)) and by Landtag NRW (Regional Parliament of North Rhein-Westfalia, decisions in the cases I.3/16-P-2013-04488-00 and I.3/16-P-2013-04488-01 of Carina Gödecke, Rita Klöpper, Wahlenberg, Zinke and Richter).
The German Research Community (Deusche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) denied to apologize for financing the pseudoscientific, xenophobic and anti-Semitic PhD work of Ute Deichmann (the denial from The German Research Community/Society was written by Dr. Christine Spitzer in the name of the president of DFG Prof. Dr. Peter Strohschneider, the case number is 29.05.00). This decision of DFG was suppoted, approved and appreciated by the court of Bonn (Amtsgericht Bonn, decision in cases 101C 225/13 of Schoenijahn and 86AR (101 C 225/13) 4/14 of Huhn).
Interesting is also, that although I did not got my PhD degree, because "inventions as solutions of scientific problems are not scientific", the content of my PhD dissertation for the DNA sequencing-based creation of personalized cures against cancer and autoimmune diseases, but without mentioning my name, was presented by the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) as the most perspective invention and direction and highlighted also by the Rhein Post (Rheinische Post in Dusseldorf, the title article "New Successes in Fight against Cancer" ("Neue Erfolge im Kampf gegen Krebs"), from April 23, 2014), but the journalists of Rhein Post (Rheinische Post) Wolfram Goertz and Eva Quadbeck did not asked the director of DKFZ Otmar Wiestler, who is the inventor of the invention and direction Wiestler told about. DKFZ is aware about me since 1998. I filed for patent my first invention (engineered modified anticancer viruses with receptors able to target and destroy cancer cells) in 1998, and in the same year 1998 I proposed cooperation for joint implementation of my anticancer inventions to the German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, but DKFZ denied any cooperation and any support and Dr. Ruth Herzog at DKFZ wrote in her denial from May 28, 1998, that DKFZ "can not support by the implementation and does not make products." But than in 2005 DKFZ founded and financed a spin-off company of DKFZ Apogenix for making anticancer fusion proteins according to my proposed inventions. Apogenix also denied any cooperation, although examiners of the European Patent Office sent to Apogenix and DKFZ (as result of their searches) my published patent documents confirming my inventorship and priority. Apogenix and DKFZ confessed to the prosecutors of Heidelberg, that they use my inventions, that Apogenix and DKFZ "take" my inventions for "further development" (without explanation how and what they have developed further) and for "re-inventing" my inventions. How can my invention, for example of anticancer fusion proteins from the year 1999 or 2001 be re-invented in 2004? Apogenix told to the journalist Oliver Schaal from the New Rhein Newspaper NRZ, (who wrote an article in NRZ about me on March 26, 2013), that Apogenix wrote to Google and demanded from Google to cancel my blogs!
I was named "The Second Einstein" in the media and the paradox is, that people need my inventions, people can be healed and people do not receive the cures they need. But the situation can be changed.

Alexander Cherkasky
Email: alexcherkasky@googlemail.com