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29-09-2014, 23:36

StoreDot, Tel Aviv University, Litsyn and Rosenman Plagiaristically Use My Invention

Category: Blogs

StoreDot, Tel Aviv University, Tower Semiconductor, Litsyn and Rosenman Plagiaristically Use My Invention

Dipl.-Biol. (MSc.) Alexander Cherkasky

US20090070900 Novel cherkasky materials and novel use of biomolecules and biomasses

My name is Alexander Cherkasky, I am award-winning and media-highlighted inventor and biologist. You can read more on the blogs:
The Israeli company StoreDot attracted and attract capital for the technology of applying "peptide-based nanodots" (for electronic displays, energy storage, memory storage and in medicine, as stated on StoreDot's website), whereby StoreDot makes bewilderingly false statements, that this technology is of StoreDot and whereby StoreDot has no confirming published patent documents in the patent literature.
Thus StoreDot creates false basis for evaluation and investment decision making, i.e. StoreDot manipulates value and deceives investors. StoreDot wished to conceal this information, because in response to my email (from August 04, 2014) with evidence of StoreDot's plagiarism and plagiaristic use of my according inventions, the office manager Dandan Romano denied to make my evidence described below public on the StoreDot's website.
The technology, StoreDot claims as StoreDot's own, is not of StoreDot, StoreDot has no evidence of priority and inventorship, StoreDot plagiaristically uses my according invention, which is published as my US patent application US20090070900 entitled "Novel Cherkasky materials and novel use of biomolecules and biomasses" and StoreDot cannot claim this my technology as their own, StoreDot cannot protect this technology from competitors and thus StoreDot cannot protect money of investors. The fact of StoreDot's concealing this information confirms, that StoreDot deceives not only me as inventor, but also, that StoreDot deceives investors.
StoreDot illegal gathering money is suppoted by Tel Aviv University and Mr. Shlomo Nimrodi (CEO of Ramot) denied to comment my evidence.
StoreDot is not supported by Stef Wertheimer and not more supported by Daniel Jammer (Nation-E).
Irit Yosilevitch, assistant to Daniel Recanati (Rhodium Ltd, investor of StoreDot) stated, that StoreDot assured, that StoreDot cleared the situation with me, but it was false statement of StoreDot.
StoreDot's work is based on not new and not inventive patent applications US20130294180 (and according WO2012095811), US20120120551, WO2013168159, WO2013175470 and US20110174063 (and according WO2010038228 as well as EP2344913) of mentioned "inventors" Simon Litsyn, Gil Rosenman, Peter Beker, Yakov Roizin, Amir Handelman, Nadav Amdursky and Ehud Gazit and assignees/applicants are Ramot at Tel Aviv University, Ltd. and Tower Semiconductor Ltd. (Tower Semiconductor is listed on NASDAQ and TASE (Tel Aviv Stock Exchange) as TSEM). My US20090070900 (filing date: June 8, 2008 and Foreign Application Data (claimed priority): June 12, 2007) discloses also materials containing/comprising biomolecules, including amino acids and peptides (claims 3 and 1 (c1 and c7)) as well as use of such materials as conductors and additives in resistors and transistors (claim 4), as additives to materials for improvement of physical, optical, chemical properties of materials (claim 5). The material according to claim 2 can be used as semiconductor, conductor, in microprocessors, transistors, resistors, solar batteries, non-conductor, composite materials and implants.
The biomolecules, such as peptides or amino acids in materials according to my invention are either chemically modified or non-modified (claims 3, 4 and 5). Only these my claims 3, 4 and 5 of my US20090070900 and Abstract of my US20090070900 (for example "Novel materials containing dispersed...biomolecules...can be preferably used as conductors, semiconductors, transistors, resistors or non-conductors...materials for use in computer...") as well as Description (my US20090070900, 0016 "...The advantages may be also based on the action of dispersed substances as nano- and microelements in molecular structures. (Thus "nanodots" and "storedots" are disclosed in Description of US20090070900). The materials and composite materials with dispersed biomolecules...according to this invention can be used as conductors and semiconductors, and transistors, resistors for example in solar batteries, computer chips, computers, microprocessors, in computer, aerospace, marine and automobile industries", 0015 "The concentration of chemically modified or non-modified molecules...in materials may vary from preferably 0,01 to 98 percent" (see also claim 6)) make the US patent application US20130294180 and according international patent application WO2012095811 "Charge storage organic memory system" (filing date: January 13, 2011, named "inventors": Simon Litsyn (Tel Aviv, IL) and Gil Rosenman (Rishon-Le Zion, IL), assignee: Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd; claims 1 ("...wherein said memory layer comprises nanodots made of a material selected from the group consisting of peptides and amino acids"), 2 ("...wherein said memory layer comprises nanodots having a diameter less than 3 nm and being made of chemically-synthesized biomolecules"), 6 ("...nanodots"), 7 ("...nanodots..."), 8 ("...nanodots..."), 9 ("...each nanodot of at least 50% of said nanodots essentially consists of two molecules"), 10 ("...nanodots are made of peptides"), 11("...dipeptides"), 12 ("...dipeptides are aromatic dipeptides"), 13-16 ("...dipeptides..."), 17 ("...nanodots are made of amino acids"), 18 ("...layer comprises nanodots made of a material selected from the group consisting of peptides and amino acids"), 20 ("...nanodots..."), 21 ("...nanodot..."), 22 ("...nanodot..."), 23 ("...nanodots..."), 24 and 25 ("...nanodot..."), 26 ("...nanodots..."), 28 ("...each nanodot of at least 50% of said nanodots essentially consists of two molecules"), 29 ("...nanodots are made of peptides"), 30 ("...peptides are dipeptides") and 31 ("...nanodots are made of amino acids)), US20120120551 "Electrode and method of manufacturing the same" (filing date: November 16, 2010, named "inventors": Peter Beker (Ramla, IL) and Gil Rosenman, assignee: Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd; claims 1 ("...layer of discrete peptide nanocrystals"), 2 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals occupy pores in a surface of said solid structure"), 3 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals are peptide quantum dots"), 4 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals are devoid of or contain less than 10% peptide quantum wells"), 15 ("...coating a solid structure by nanostructures selected from the group consisting of peptides and amino acids, under conditions that at least partially prevent assembly of said nanostructures into supramolecular structures"), 16 ("...nanostructures are discrete peptide nanocrystals"), 17 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals are peptide quantum dots"), 18 ("...nanostructures are peptide oligomers, and the method further comprises generating conditions for said oligomers, to form discrete peptide nanocrystals, while at least partially preventing assembly of said discrete peptide nanocrystals into supramolecular structures"), 19 ("...linear peptide monomers"), 20 ("...solution containing said nanostructures") and 31 ("...said solid structure is a semiconductor structure")), WO2013168159 "Composition and methed for forming a dielectric layer" (filing date: May 7, 2012, named "inventors": Simon Litsyn, Gil Rosenman, Amir Handelman and Yakov Roizin, applicants: Ramot (Tel Aviv University) and Tower Semiconductor (IL); claims 11 ("...a mixture of discrete nanoparticles of biological material..."), 12-25 (according to claim 11), 26 ("The composition or method according to any of claims 11-25, wherein said discrete nanoparticles comprise peptide nanoparticles"), 27 ("...discrete nanoparticles comprise protein nanoparticles), 28 (virus comprises proteins and nucleic acids), 29 (protein ferritin)), WO2013175470 "Nanoshell, method of fabricating same and uses thereof" (filing date: May 21, 2012, named "inventors": Gil Rosenman, Simon Litsyn and Yakov Roizin, applicant: Ramot (Tel Aviv, University) and Tower Semiconductor Ltd (IL); claims 1 ("...comprising coating a nanometric core made of a first material by a second material..."), 2 ("The method of claim 1, wherein said first material is organic and said second material is inorganic"), 3 and 4 ("...first material is synthesized biological material"), 5 ("... second material comprises metal"), 6 ("...second material comprises a ferromagnetic material") and 7 ("... second material comprises a semiconductor")) and US20110174064 (and according WO2010038228 and EP2344913) "Method and system for emitting light" (filing dates: October 2, 2008, April 1, 2009 and September 30, 2009, named "inventors": Nadav Amdursky (IL), Ehud Gazit (IL), Gil Rosenman, applicant/assignee Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd; (neutralization of amyloid plaques (for treating Alzheimer's disease) was a proposal of mine which I made in 1999 on the competition "Youth research" in Germany and Stern (The Star) reported about this my participation and presented invention and called this my invention revolution), claims 11 ("A light emitting system, comprising a plurality of peptide nanostructures forming organic crystalline structures...for exciting said peptide nanostructures to emit light"), 12-15 ("The system of claim 11, wherein said peptide nanostructures emit said light..."), 20-30 ("...comprising a light emitting system according to claim 11") and 31 ("A method of emitting light comprising a plurality of peptide nanostructures forming organic crystalline structure...to emit light")) not new and not inventive.
Both StoreDot and Tel Aviv University/Ramot Ltd. ignored my evidence.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Cherkasky
Date: 2014-09-12 14:32 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: Your email from Aug. 25 2014
To: Levana Henzon
Cc: Keren Primor , "kerenrap@tauex.tau.ac.il" , "office.president@tauex.tau.ac.il" , Shlomo Nimrodi

Levana and Mr. Nimrodi,

you did not responded to me, when you will respond to my response to your letter. Thus you do not wish to respond to me.

I plan to publish our correspondence as prolongation of my blog http://plagiariststoredot.blogspot.de/
Thus I ask you to comment this. If I will not receive your response within 5 days, I will publish the prolongation.
The fact is, that Tel Aviv University is involved in fraud, bewilderingely supports deceivers, cheats, gives money to deceivers for fraud and for illegal gathering money by fraud.
You Mr. Nimrodi certainly misuse your position.

Alexander Chrekasky

2014-09-07 20:25 GMT+02:00 Alexander Cherkasky :
Dear Mr. Nimrodi,

you got my response to your letter. When will you respond to me?


Alexander Cherkasky

2014-08-31 14:11 GMT+02:00 Alexander Cherkasky :
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Cherkasky
Date: 2014-08-31 14:11 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: Your email from Aug. 25 2014
To: Levana Henzon
Cc: Keren Primor , "kerenrap@tauex.tau.ac.il" , "office.president@tauex.tau.ac.il" , Shlomo Nimrodi

Dear Levana,

please forward this my email response to Shlomo Nimrodi and copy to Professor Klafter, Adv. Keren Raplansky Elad and Adv. Keren Primor Cohen.


Dear Mr. Nimrodi,

your response from August 28, 2014 ignores the content (evidence/facts) of my email, because I have provided evidence of plagiarism of the members of Tel Aviv University and of Ramot, especially of misters Litsyn, Rosenman and Gazit, i.e. I provided evidence of illegal gathering money. In addition, the fact is, that StoreDot has no published patent document, (any confirmation of inventorship). The published patent applications, StoreDot uses, are of named „inventors“, which are members of the Tel Aviv University and Ramot (Ehud Gazit (chairman of Ramot), who is involved also in other plagiarisms of my inventions, (for example using selective anti-tumoral biomolecular compositions comprising cell targeting ligands (CTL) and cell penetrating peptides CPP)), and Tel Aviv University and Ramot are assignees/applicants. Moreover, I already contacted StoreDot as you can read in my email and the blog http://plagiariststoredot.blogspot.de/ .
Ms. Dandan Romano, office manager at StoreDot confirmed to me in her email, that Tel Aviv University is the owner of the not new and not inventive patent applications, which StoreDot uses as basis for deceiving investors and for illegal gathering money. I.e. Tel Aviv University and Ramot are involved in the criminal action of StoreDot, (especially in illegal gathering money, i.e. gathering money by fraud).
Thus I ask you to reconsider your opinion in your letter from August 28, 2014 and to respond to me objectively and soon. I ask to give me an objective response based on facts/evidence. You certainly have specialists to evaluate my evidence, whereby also non-specialists can compare the filing dates/priorities and passages in the claims, abstracts and descriptions and recognize my evidence.

Alexander Cherkasky

Dipl.-Biol. (MSc.) Alexander Cherkasky
Prinz-Georg-Str. 5
40477 Düsseldorf
GermanyTel:+49 (0)211 482179

2014-08-28 14:34 GMT+02:00 Levana Henzon :
Dear Mr. Cherkasky,
Following your email to Prof. Klafter from Aug. 25. 2014 attached please find the response.
Levana Henzon| Agreement Coordinator | RAMOT at Tel Aviv University Ltd. | www.ramot.org |E. Henzon@ramot.org
PO Box 39296, Tel-Aviv 61392, Israel | P. +972.3.6406670 | F. +972.3.6406675
Promising Innovations
This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Cherkasky
Date: 2014-08-25 16:49 GMT+02:00
Subject: Letter form Alexander Cherkasky
To: office.president@tauex.tau.ac.il
Cc: raanan@post.tau.ac.il, vpr@tauex.tau.ac.il, amoselad@tauex.tau.ac.il, ronigold@tauex.tau.ac.il, NaomiY@tauex.tau.ac.il, yaelsar@tauex.tau.ac.il, Marlene@tauex.tau.ac.il

Dear Professor Klafter,
please comment the following information published on my new blog http://plagiariststoredot.blogspot.de/:
StoreDot, Tel Aviv University, Litsyn and Rosenman Plagiaristically Use My Invention

Dipl.-Biol. (MSc.) Alexander Cherkasky


My name is Alexander Cherkasky, I am award-winning and media-highlighted inventor and biologist. You can read more on the blogs:
The Israeli company StoreDot attracted and attract capital for the technology of applying "peptide-based nanodots" (for electronic displays, energy storage, memory storage and in medicine, as stated on StoreDot's website), whereby StoreDot makes bewilderingly false statements, that this technology is of StoreDot and whereby StoreDot has no confirming published patent documents in the patent literature.
Thus StoreDot creates false basis for evaluation and investment decision making, i.e. StoreDot manipulates value and deceives investors. StoreDot wished to conceal this information, because in response to my email (from August 04, 2014) with evidence of StoreDot's plagiarism and plagiaristic use of my according inventions, the office manager Dandan Romano denied to make my evidence described below public on the StoreDot's website.
The technology, StoreDot claims as StoreDot's own, is not of StoreDot, StoreDot has no evidence of priority and inventorship, StoreDot plagiaristically uses my according invention, which is published as my US patent application US20090070900 entitled "Novel Cherkasky materials and novel use of biomolecules and biomasses" and StoreDot cannot claim this my technology as their own, StoreDot cannot protect this technology from competitors and thus StoreDot cannot protect money of investors. The fact of StoreDot's concealing this information confirms, that StoreDot deceives not only me as inventor, but also, that StoreDot deceives investors.
StoreDot's work is based on not new and not inventive patent applications US20130294180 (and according WO2012095811), US20120120551, WO2013175470 and US20110174063 (and according WO2010038228 as well as EP2344913) of mentioned "inventors" Simon Litsyn, Gil Rosenman, Peter Beker, Yakov Roizin, Nadav Amdursky and Ehud Gazit and assignees/applicants are Ramot at Tel Aviv University, Ltd. and Tower Semiconductor Ltd.
My US20090070900 (filing date: June 8, 2008 and Foreign Application Data (claimed priority): June 12, 2007) discloses also materials containing/comprising biomolecules, including amino acids and peptides (claims 3 and 1 (c1 and c7)) as well as use of such materials as conductors and additives in resistors and transistors (claim 4), as additives to materials for improvement of physical, optical, chemical properties of materials (claim 5). The material according to claim 2 can be used as semiconductor, conductor, in microprocessors, transistors, resistors, solar batteries, non-conductor, composite materials and implants.
The biomolecules, such as peptides or amino acids in materials according to my invention are either chemically modified or non-modified (claims 3, 4 and 5). Only these my claims 3, 4 and 5 of my US20090070900 and Abstract of my US20090070900 (for example "Novel materials containing dispersed...biomolecules...can be preferably used as conductors, semiconductors, transistors, resistors or non-conductors...materials for use in computer...") as well as Description (my US20090070900, 0016 "...The advantages may be also based on the action of dispersed substances as nano- and microelements in molecular structures. (Thus "nanodots" and "storedots" are disclosed in Description of US20090070900). The materials and composite materials with dispersed biomolecules...according to this invention can be used as conductors and semiconductors, and transistors, resistors for example in solar batteries, computer chips, computers, microprocessors, in computer, aerospace, marine and automobile industries", 0015 "The concentration of chemically modified or non-modified molecules...in materials may vary from preferably 0,01 to 98 percent" (see also claim 6)) make the US patent application US20130294180 and according international patent application WO2012095811 "Charge storage organic memory system" (filing date: January 13, 2011, named "inventors": Simon Litsyn (Tel Aviv, IL) and Gil Rosenman (Rishon-Le Zion, IL), assignee: Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd; claims 1 ("...wherein said memory layer comprises nanodots made of a material selected from the group consisting of peptides and amino acids"), 2 ("...wherein said memory layer comprises nanodots having a diameter less than 3 nm and being made of chemically-synthesized biomolecules"), 6 ("...nanodots"), 7 ("...nanodots..."), 8 ("...nanodots..."), 9 ("...each nanodot of at least 50% of said nanodots essentially consists of two molecules"), 10 ("...nanodots are made of peptides"), 11("...dipeptides"), 12 ("...dipeptides are aromatic dipeptides"), 13-16 ("...dipeptides..."), 17 ("...nanodots are made of amino acids"), 18 ("...layer comprises nanodots made of a material selected from the group consisting of peptides and amino acids"), 20 ("...nanodots..."), 21 ("...nanodot..."), 22 ("...nanodot..."), 23 ("...nanodots..."), 24 and 25 ("...nanodot..."), 26 ("...nanodots..."), 28 ("...each nanodot of at least 50% of said nanodots essentially consists of two molecules"), 29 ("...nanodots are made of peptides"), 30 ("...peptides are dipeptides") and 31 ("...nanodots are made of amino acids)), US20120120551 "Electrode and method of manufacturing the same" (filing date: November 16, 2010, named "inventors": Peter Beker (Ramla, IL) and Gil Rosenman, assignee: Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd; claims 1 ("...layer of discrete peptide nanocrystals"), 2 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals occupy pores in a surface of said solid structure"), 3 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals are peptide quantum dots"), 4 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals are devoid of or contain less than 10% peptide quantum wells"), 15 ("...coating a solid structure by nanostructures selected from the group consisting of peptides and amino acids, under conditions that at least partially prevent assembly of said nanostructures into supramolecular structures"), 16 ("...nanostructures are discrete peptide nanocrystals"), 17 ("...discrete peptide nanocrystals are peptide quantum dots"), 18 ("...nanostructures are peptide oligomers, and the method further comprises generating conditions for said oligomers, to form discrete peptide nanocrystals, while at least partially preventing assembly of said discrete peptide nanocrystals into supramolecular structures"), 19 ("...linear peptide monomers"), 20 ("...solution containing said nanostructures") and 31 ("...said solid structure is a semiconductor structure")), WO2013175470 "Nanoshell, method of fabricating same and uses thereof" (filing date: May 21, 2012, named "inventors": Gil Rosenman, Simon Litsyn and Yakov Roizin, applicant: Ramot (Tel Aviv, University) and Tower Semiconductor Ltd (IL); claims 1 ("...comprising coating a nanometric core made of a first material by a second material..."), 2 ("The method of claim 1, wherein said first material is organic and said second material is inorganic"), 3 and 4 ("...first material is synthesized biological material"), 5 ("... second material comprises metal"), 6 ("...second material comprises a ferromagnetic material") and 7 ("... second material comprises a semiconductor")) and US20110174064 (and according WO2010038228 and EP2344913) "Method and system for emitting light" (filing dates: October 2, 2008, April 1, 2009 and September 30, 2009, named "inventors": Nadav Amdursky (IL), Ehud Gazit (IL), Gil Rosenmann, applicant/assignee Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd; (neutralization of amyloid plaques (for treating Alzheimer's disease) was a proposal of mine which I made in 1999 on the competition "Youth research" in Germany and Stern (The Star) reported about this my participation and presented invention and called this my invention revolution), claims 11 ("A light emitting system, comprising a plurality of peptide nanostructures forming organic crystalline structures...for exciting said peptide nanostructures to emit light"), 12-15 ("The system of claim 11, wherein said peptide nanostructures emit said light..."), 20-30 ("...comprising a light emitting system according to claim 11") and 31 ("A method of emitting light comprising a plurality of peptide nanostructures forming organic crystalline structure...to emit light")) not new and not inventive.

Alexander Cherkasky
Dipl.-Biol. (MSc.) Alexander Cherkasky
Prinz-Georg-Str. 5
40477 Düsseldorf
GermanyTel:+49 (0)211 482179

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexander Cherkasky
Date: 2014-08-05 12:00 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: Letter from Alexander Cherkasky
To: Dandan Romano

Dear Ms. Romano,

I know, that Storedot has no patent publications, but Litsyn and Rosenman are mentioned as "inventors" and Storedot uses my invention commercially, has attracted capital and I have described this accordingly. Thus, forward my email to Misters Litsyn and Rosenman and ask them whether they will respond to me. I ask you to give me a soon response.

Alexander Cherkasky
2014-08-05 8:16 GMT+02:00 Dandan Romano :

Dear Mr. Alexander,

With regards to your letter below, please be advised that the patents mentioned in your letter below are NOT owned or used by StoreDot Ltd.
You are welcome to refer to Tel Aviv University who owns those patents.


Dandan Romano
Office Manager
logo email
16 Begin st. – Gamma Bld. | Ramat Gan 5270003 ISRAEL
Mobile: +972-54-4379600 | Phone: +972-3-5097710
Fax: +972-3-5097716
www.store-dot.com | dandan@store-dot.com

From: Alexander Cherkasky [mailto:alexcherkasky@googlemail.com] Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 10:23 PMTo: Dandan RomanoSubject: Letter from Alexander Cherkasky

Dear Ms. Dandan,
please forward my following email to Mr. Litsyn and Mr. Rosenman. Thanks.
Alexander Cherkasky
Dipl.-Biol. (MSc.) Alexander Cherkasky
Prinz-Georg-Str. 5
40477 Düsseldorf
GermanyTel:+49 (0)211 482179
Dear Misters Litsyn and Rosenman,
my name is Alexander Cherkasky, I am award-winning and media-highlighted inventor and biologist. You can read more on the blogs:
StoreDot plagiaristically uses my invention, which is published as my US patent application US20090070900 entitled Novel Cherkasky materials and novel use of biomolecules and biomasses. This my US20090070900 (especially claims 3, 4 and 5, but also 1, 2 and 6) makes your US patent application US20130294180 (and according WO2012095811) "Charge storage organic memory system" (especially claims 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 28-31) and your US20120120551 "Electrode and Method of Manufacturing the same" (especially claims 1, 2, 3, 4, 15-20), as well as your WO2013175470 "Nanoshell, Method of Fabricating same and uses thereof" (especially claims 1-7) not new and not inventive. Your plagiarism is not the first case in my experience and practice and usually I make an according blog "plagiarist (then I enter the name of according plagiaristic company/organization or person)" and in that blog I list the according evidence. I know, that my according blogs lead either to closure or extreme financial and reputational difficulties of the according plagiaristic groups/companies.
I plan also to make the according blog plagiariststoredot, but, at first, I would like to ask your opinion and ask you, whether you have a proposal for me, that would be so interesting for me, that I could agree to cooperate with you. If you will mention/quote my name and my according US20090070900, (as long as you do not make this information public, you deceive investors, because you create bewilderingly false basis for evaluation and investiment decision making, i.e. you manipulate value of storedot), pay me a license fee, we can talk about (you may propose the license fee amount) and propose me royalities and share, we can talk about (you may propose), we would find a compromise.
I am open to consider your proposal.
I ask to give me a soon response. I will wait 7 days and if I will not hear from you, I will take according legal and public action.
Alexander Cherkasky
Dipl.-Biol. (MSc.) Alexander Cherkasky
Prinz-Georg-Str. 5
40477 Düsseldorf
GermanyTel:+49 (0)211 482179
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  • Дата: 29-09-2014, 23:35
29-09-2014, 23:35

Plagiator Riboxx

Category: Blogs

Plagiator Riboxx

Alexander Cherkasky
Email: alexcherkasky@googlemail.com

Mein Name ist Alexander Cherkasky, ich bin Erfinder und Biologe, habe fünf US-Patentanmeldungen und mehr als 30 veröffentlichen deutschen Patentanmeldungen, bin Inhaber von 9 deutschen Patenten und über mich und meine Erfindungen berichteten unter anderem Stern, Bild der Wissenschaft, Neue Rhein Zeitung (NRZ), Jüdische Zeitung, Jüdische Allgemeine Zeitung, Westdeutsche Zeitung (WZ), Rheinische Post (RP) und andere Medien.
Meine Erfindungen umfassen neuartige kausale Therapien gegen Viren bzw. um Viren wie HIV oder Ebola in den Zellen und außerhalb der Zellen zu vernichten, Therapien bzw. neuartige Fusionsproteine gegen Krebs, Autoimmunkrankheiten, Entzündungen sowie die Erfindungen neuer Schmiermitteln, Test-, diagnostischen und Sequenzierverfahren und neuer leichten und festen Materialien.
Für meine Erfindungen gegen Krebs wurde ich mit der Bronze-Medaille "Für hervorragende Leistungen" und mit der Ehren-Urkunde des grössten internationalen Erfinder-Wettbewerbs in Deutschland schon seit über 60 Jahre IENA (Ideen-Erfindungen-Neuheiten) 2003 in Nürnberg ausgezeichnet.
Eine Reihe meiner Erfindungen wurde als Basis von anderen Wissenschaftlern und Unternehmen genutzt bzw. umgesetzt und bestätigt und mein Name bzw. die entsprechende Patentveröffentlichungsnummern wurden genannt. Dies beinhaltet Anerkennung.
Die folgende Information, d.h. die folgenden Nachweise verdienen sicherlich die Aufmerksamkeit der Investoren:
Die Firma Riboxx sammelt Geld ein mit der Präsentation, die aber vervollständigt werden muss, damit die Risiken neu bewertet werden, weil wegen Verlust bzw. Invalidierung der Werte der Schlüssel-Patentveröffentlichungen von Riboxx es kein Schutz vor Konkurrenten gibt. Über diese Risiken müssen die Investoren informiert werden.
Die Schlüsselveröffentlichungen von Riboxx WO2010097414 ("Improved design of small- interfering RNA", auch veröffentlicht als DE10704945 und US20120041049), WO2013064584 ("Double-stranded RNA for immunostimulation") und WO2013097965 ("Triphosphate-containing double-stranded RNA for immunostimulation") beschreiben Nukleinsäuresequenzen und zwar RNA-Sequenzen, die stabiler sind bzw. G/C-Regionen an beiden Enden enthalten.
Der Anspruch 16 der WO2010097414 beschreibt "A pharmaceutical composition comprising the RNA molecule...in combination with at least one pharmaceutical carrier..." und in der entsprechenden Zusammenfassung findet sich: "The present invention relates to small interfering RNA molecules displaying an increased thermodynamic stability at the 3' end of the antisense (!) strand (guide strand) and the 5' end of the sense strand (passenger strand),... and pharmaceutical compositions containing the siRNA molecules."
Meine Patentveröffentlichungen DE19925052 ("Proteinkomplexe für den zielgerichteten Transport von (Poly) Peptide und Nukleinsäuren und sequenzspezifische Integration von DNA-Vektoren", es gibt die Offenlegungsschrift DE19925052 A1 und das ertelite Patent DE19925052 B4), DE10162867 ("Antigen-unspezifische Fusionsproteine und Fusionsprotein-Nukleinsäure-Komplexe gegen solide Tumoren") und DE10202191 ("Verfahren und Systeme zur Isolierung einzelner Moleküle, Organellen, Zellen und anderer nano- und mikroskopischer Objekte") machen die Veröffentlichungen WO2010097414, WO2013064584 und WO2013097965 von Riboxx nicht neu und nicht erfinderisch.
Meine Veröffentlichung DE19925052 A1 (Anmeldetag: 1.6.1999) beschreibt "Antisense RNA" (Seite 3, Zeile 42), "komplementäre antisense RNA" (Seite 4, Zeile 9), "einzel- oder doppelsträndigen DNA oder RNA" (Seite 5, Zeile 23), und "antisense Duplex-RNA-bildende RNA" (Seite 6, Zeile 30).
Diese meine DE19925052 (DE19925052 A1) wurde von Prüfern der Patentämter mehreren Anmeldern als Rechercheergebnis geschickt, und zwar auch als Rechercheergebnis für WO0370193 ("RNA Interference Mediated Inhibition of HIV Gene Expression Using Short Interfering Nucleic Acid (siNA)", auch veröffentlicht als US20030175950, JP2006502694, EP1572128, CA2476394 und AU2003215345) der Firma Sirna Therapeutics, Inc. (USA) und der Amerikaner James McSwiggen, Leonid Beigelman und Dennis Macejak.
Meine DE10162867 (Anmeldetag: 20.12.2001) beschriebt die Komplexe bestehend aus Nukleinsäuren (wie RNA- oder DNA-Sequenzen und Proteinen (Patentansprüche 6, 1, 2 und 3 sowie Beschreibung, z.B. 0004). D.h. "pharmaceutical compositions containing the siRNA molecules" (Zusammenfassung und Anspruch 16) nach WO2010097414 von Riboxx sind schon bekannt bzw. sind nicht erfinderisch und nicht neu.
Meine DE10202191 (Anmeldetag: 22.01.2002) beschreibt "Synthetische oder natürliche Nukleinsäuresequenzen..., dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie entweder in der Mitte oder an beiden Enden (!) oder in einer anderen Region (!) mindestens eine (!) spezifische Erkennungsstelle für die Erkennung bzw. Bindung (!) einzelner Biomoleküle (!) enthalten" (Anspruch 9).
Allein dieser mein Patentanspruch macht diese Schlüsselveröffentlichungen von Riboxx nicht neu und nicht erfinderisch.
Weiterhin findet sich in meiner DE10202191 Folgendes: "Region wie z.B. Poly G:C" (Spalte 16, Liste der Zahlen, Zeile 10), "Region, wie z.B. Poly G-C" (Spalte 10, (0096), Zeile 17), "Poly G:C-Sequenzen dazwischen, d.h. zwischen Regionen a und b. Die Regionen a befinden sich an beiden Enden der DNA-Sequenz" (Spalte 2, (0014), Zeilen 34-36). Die synthetischen Nukleinsäuren nach Anspruch 9 umfassen also sowohl DNA als auch die RNA-Sequenzen (und können also "an beiden Enden oder an einer anderen Region mindestens eine spezifische Erkennungsstelle..." enthalten).
Auch zurückgewiesene veröffentlichte nationale Patentanmeldungen sind weltweit prioritätsbeanspruchend und weltweit neuheitsschädilich. D.h. aus Patentanmeldungen von Riboxx können keine Patente entstehen und die aus Versehen der Prüfer erteilten Patenten können während amtlicher Überprüfung invalidiert werden. Da es kein Schutz vor Konkurrenten gibt, könnte diese RNA-Sequenzen jeder machen und Investoren von Riboxx werden ihr Geld verlieren.
Ausserdem fördete das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Jacques Rohayem und Riboxx, obwohl BMBF meine entsprechenden für Riboxx bzw. Rohayem neuheitsschädlichen Patentveröffentlichungen auf dem Internetportal von BMBF biotechnologie.de als Stolz der Biotechnologie in Deutschland veröffentlichte. D.h. sowohl BMBF kennt mich und meine Erfindungen als auch wahrscheinlich Riboxx bzw. Rohayem kennen mich und meine auf dem BMBF-Portal biotechnologie.de veröffentlichten Erfindungen.
Diese Nachweise müssen den Investoren offengelegt werden, weil durch die Nicht-Nennung dieser Tatsachen Wert von Riboxx manipuliert wird.